Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Parking Lot Update

Hopefully you have noticed the progress on our parking lot expansion behind our church buildings. The site has been graded and drainage has been installed. The curbs have been poured, as well as the islands. This week the underground work for lighting and irrigation will be done, and, Lord willing, next week we'll start paving! We hope to have the work completed by the end of the month, and have a dedication service the first Sunday in November or thereabouts. We hope to add about 130 spaces, which will accommodate an additional 225 people.

Ken Callahan, in his book Twelve Keys to an Effective Church, writes:

"Parking is a decisive factor in the life of a congregation. There is a direct
correlation between parking and participation. The more adequate the parking,
the more likely there is to be strong participation in church school and

Moreover, there is a direct correlation between participation
and giving. Indeed, there is a correlation between parking and worship
attendance and a further correlation between worship and giving. The church that
is short on parking may very well be short on worship attendance, and therefore,
on contributions. People who participate in a congregation tend to contribute to
that congregation. Parking, land, and landscaping are more important than many
pastors and leaders of congregations have thought."

Thank God we have an insightful group of leaders who have led us to add this additional parking. Space for 225 more people means we can reach more people for Christ!


Margaret Neal said...

This is great, Jim! I particularly like this one. I plan to pass it on to a certain church in Kennesaw! :o) We've been having this same discussion.

Scoot said...

Thanks to everyone involved in the decision! This is a great investment in our continuing ministry.

Unknown said...

I think the blog is an awesome idea! Technology is so vital to our methods of communication. I will definitely look forward to more posts.

Anonymous said...

I think the parking lot idea was great. It truly should bring more people to this church!