Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Parking Lot Update, Part II

The paving is complete! It has been a long journey; felling trees, moving dirt, installing underground utilities and irrigation, drainage, curbs, pouring and rolling gravel. But in one day all the asphalt was put out and rolled.

Today the irrigation system is being completed and the landscaping is being planted.

In addition to the parking lot, the retention pond has been reconfigured. The pond has been hydroseeded, and soon the new fence will be installed. By the end of the week the lot should be striped and ready to be used.

Parking is a huge issue for churches. These additional spaces will give prime parking space for an additional 200-240 participants. Thanks to all the folks who had the vision to add these prime spaces.

Speaking of prime spaces - why not save the best spaces at our church for those who need them most and our visitors? It is an act of servant leadership to park as far from the building as possible and walk to the church. Regardless of what I have planned for the day, I always walk to the church so someone else can have my space. I enjoy the weather, some time alone, and the quiet of the predawn darkness. Why not drop off your family at the door, and then park in the upper lot? Or park up there and and walk down together as a family. Also, consider how many cars you bring to the church. Driving together as a family can be an act of stewardship not only of parking spaces, but of God's resources of oil as well.


planetarypilgrim said...

Greetings Dr. Jim, this is Pastor Steve from California, I have served as a hospice chaplain/hospital chaplain out here, and now am serving the Walnut UMC. I was directed to your blog by someone who forwarded me your reflections on your most inspiring day in Iraq. This is Vetern's day on Sunday and I was wondering how your experience as a Chaplain in Iraq has changed your approach to ministry? And what do you think needs to be said about Vet's this Sunday? Thanks, our web site is

Jim Higgins said...

Pastor Steve,

I went to your website, but it would not completely load. I tried finding an email, but was unsuccessful.

We are focusing on Missions this month, so my Veteran's Day sermon will deal with service to country, and service to the Kingdom of God. We are all called to lives of service by our baptism.

My service in Iraq helped me focus on the important things of life, and not so much on the small stuff. My wife says I don't get "wrapped around the axle" as much as I used to!

I'll be happy to discuss this off line with you if you will email me and give me some contact info. You can reach me at
