Thursday, November 12, 2009

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Yes, I stole the title from The Clash. . .

It has been nearly a year since I have posted on this blog. I'll admit that I have been (gasp!) spending time with another medium - the social networking site. I'm trying to decide the best way to stay in tough with you; should I continue this forum, or delete this blog and focus on other ways of staying in touch?

It's your decision too; should I stay or should I go?


Rachel said...

If you post something I'll read it, but I won't be upset if you decide to go with a different medium instead. Do whatever you think you'll use the most and have the most fun with.

Floridora said...

I personally prefer the calm of blogs versus the frenetic pace of the "social networks". But I think it is possible to do both, depending on the mood of what you want to say.

It was good to hear from you. Keep busy.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back. Stay, please stay!

Common Man said...

I'm a blog fan myself. A lot of clutter on FB.

Anonymous said...

I like the slower-paced blog format.

Anonymous said...

I like the blog much better than anything else. I hope you will decide to continue the blog.